
A more efficient and secure way to settle digital assets

BitGo Settlement addresses the most pressing structural issues in the digital asset market—mitigating counterparty risk and solving inefficient capital allocation. BitGo’s settlement network is secure. Assets never leave BitGo’s qualified custody and BitGo has pre-cleared all parties.

Settle with trusted partners

Having onboarded and secured funds from OTC desks, exchanges, hedge funds, broker-dealers, lenders, payment processors, and security token issuers under the regulated entity BitGo Trust Company, participants can choose their counterparties and check trading limit pre-trade, and customize fund-locking options like limit and duration.

BitGo Settlement Trusted Partners Diagram
BitGo settlement with cold storage

Efficient and instantaneous settlement

BitGo’s settlement service is managed by BitGo Trust Company, allowing clients to benefit from the security and compliance framework of a regulated trust company. Counterparty risk is minimized by locking funds during settlement and funds are also settled off-chain, reducing operational risk. Clients can connect to BitGo Settlement via API, complemented by a native web interface, maximizing integration flexibility.

BitGo Settlement is offered through BitGo Trust Company, Inc.Learn more

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Institutional custody, staking, and trading.
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