
US Consumer Privacy Notice




Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do. 


- The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include: 

- Social Security number and Contact information (name, address, email address, phone number)

- Date of Birth and Tax ID number

- Documentation of residence and Device information

- Customer’s picture

- Copy of government-issued identification 

- Video call footage to verify customers identity 

- Video verifications for certain withdrawal requests

- Other information you choose to provide to us     


All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons BitGo chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.

Reasons we can share your personal information

Does BitGo share?

Can you limit this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes— 

such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus 



For our marketing purposes— 

to offer our products and services to you 



For joint marketing with other financial companies 



For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— 

information about your transactions and experiences 



For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes— 

information about your creditworthiness 



For our affiliates to market to you 



For nonaffiliates to market to you 



To limit our sharing

- Send an email at and one of our representatives will update your privacy choice(s) or 

- Visit us online: BitGo Resource Center

Please note:

If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. 

However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing. 

Who we are

Who is providing this notice?

BitGo Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including BitGo Trust Company, Inc., BitGo New York Trust Company, LLC, BitGo, Inc. and BitGo Prime, LLC.

What we do

How does BitGo protect my personal information?

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. 

We use reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect information we have about you from loss, theft, and unauthorized use, access, modification, or destruction.

How does BitGo collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you

- Register on our website or fill out a profile

- Place an order or subscribe to our newsletter

- Respond to a survey

We also may collect information from your company or other third parties, and by using third party tools, like cookies and other trackers.

Why can’t I limit all sharing?

Federal law gives you the right to limit only

sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes—information about your creditworthiness

affiliates from using your information to market to you

sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you

State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.

What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?

BitGo does not offer joint accounts at this time. 



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.

- Our affiliates include BitGo Trust Company, Inc., BitGo New York Trust Company, LLC, BitGo, Inc., and BitGo Prime, LLC.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.

- Non-affiliates we may share your information with can include IT service providers, data storage providers, identity verification service providers, and marketing service providers.

Joint marketing

A formal agreement between non-affiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.

- Our joint marketing partners can include companies like exchanges, OTC desks, brokers, custodial services, wallets, and other centralized or decentralized market participants..

Other Important Information

California Residents: We will not share information we collect about you with nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by law. See our CCPA Privacy Notice for more information.

If for some reason BitGo needs to record a phone call, BitGo will notify you and will proceed to the recording only if you provide an explicit consent.

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