Trade directly from cold storage

Access deep, aggregated liquidity to get quality trade execution without conflicts of interest.

How it works:

Account Transfers

Trade from cold storage

Face BitGo Prime as your sole counterparty, without ever needing to store the assets on an exchange or other location.

Delivery vs Payment

We secure best execution

BitGo Prime aggregates liquidity from a variety of sources, following a riskless principal model with zero risk of front-running.

Off-Exchange Settlement

Settle daily

BitGo Prime settles once per weekday, after which you can transfer any traded funds to another account, if desired. 

Screenshot of a sophisticated crypocurrency trade conducted on BitGo.

Access liquidity, safely

Trade quickly and securely without ever leaving qualified, regulated cold storage.

Initiate transactions either programmatically via API or directly via our point-and-click interface.

Screenshot showing details of a completed cryptocurrency trade.

Get quality execution, consistently

Trade at competitive prices, thanks to BitGo’s deep network of market makers and liquidity providers.

Get a great price without needing to navigate the fragmented crypto market yourself.

Screenshot showing the ability to place a trade order from BitGo.

Manage operations, efficiently

Eliminate the need to manage separate accounts with multiple liquidity providers.

Trade without revealing your intentions to the market or risking a conflict-of-interest by a third-party broker.

Coin support for Trading

Key features

24/7/365 access
Trade anytime.

Integrated services
Manage trading and custody on one platform.


Trade algorithmically via API.

Trading services are provided through our BitGo Prime, LLC entity. Customers must also be a client of BitGo Trust Company, Inc. Learn more.

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Institutional custody, staking, and trading.
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